05 September 2010


actions that must be shunned by those who fast, because if the act is done during the day will break his fast of Ramadan and will be multiplied sins. These matters are:

1. Eating and Drinking With Intentionally

Allah the Exalted says: "... and eat and drink until the white thread of light to you from the black thread of dawn. Then complete the fast until the (coming) night. "(Surat al-Baqara: 187).
-Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa' Ala Alihi wa sallam said: "If (the fasting) forgot, and did eat and drink, he must complete his fast, for Allah who gave him food and drink." (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim)
-Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa' Ala Alihi wa sallam said: "Verily Allah placed (not punish) due to wrong or forget my people and of being forced." (Narrated Ath-Thahawi, Al-Hakim etc with isnaad valid).

2. Vomiting With Intentionally

-Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa' Ala Alihi wa sallam said: "Whoever is forced to throw up (not intentionally), it is not obligatory for him to making up those fasting, and they vomit on purpose, it is obligatory for him to making up those fasting." (Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah and Abu Dawud with a sahih isnaad)

3. Menstruation and Puerperal

-Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa' Ala Alihi wa sallam said about women: "Is not if he does not pray and menstruation are not fasting?" We say: "Yes." He said: "That (the evidence) is less religion." (Narrated by Muslim)
Mengqadha commands contained in the history Mu'adzah fasting, he said: "I once asked 'Aisha-radhiallahu Riders:" Why do people mengqadha fasting menstruation but not mengqadha prayer? "' Aisha-radhiallahu Riders asked:" Are you a woman Haruriy? "I replied:" I'm not a woman Haruriy, but just (just) to ask. "SAWS-radhiallahu Riders said:" We also menstruating at the time of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa' Ala Alihi wa sallam, but we only ordered (by Rasulullah -sallallaahu 'alaihi wa' Ala Alihi wa sallam) for fasting and mengqadha mengqadha not commanded to pray. "(Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim). Al-Haruriy nisbat to Harura '(is) the country two miles away from Kufa, a person beraqidah Khawarij. Called Haruriy because the first group of those who rebelled to the Commander of the Faithful Ali bin Abi-Talib Radhiallahu 'anhu was in the country.

4. Injections Yang Replacing Food (infusion) and All the Creator with Eating and Drinking

Menggatikan injection or infusion was to cancel the fast food, although not an actual eating and drinking but it means the same as eating and drinking. As for regular injections that do not replace eating and drinking is not broke the fast, because it is not eating and drinking, nor the same as eating and drinking. ("Only just again exactly Haqiqatush" p. 55, by Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah and "Syahr Ramadan Majalis" pp 102-103, by Shaykh Muhammad bin Sholeh al-Uthaymeen).

5. Jima '

Anyone who ruin his fast with intimate 'must mengqadha and pay expiation, the proof is the hadeeth narrated by Abu Hurairah-Radhiallahu' anhu, the Prophet, sallallaahu 'alaihi wa' Ala Alihi wa sallam: "Come one to the Prophet-peace and blessings 'alaihi wa' Ala Alihi wa sallam then said: "O Messenger of Allah, I shall perish!"
-Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa' Ala Alihi wa sallam asked: "Does that make you perish?"
The man answered: "I meggauli my wife on the (day) month of Ramadan."
-Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa' Ala Alihi wa sallam said: "Are you able to free a slave?" The man answered: "No."
-Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa' Ala Alihi wa sallam said: "Are you capable of fasting for two consecutive months?"
The man answered: "No."
-Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa' Ala Alihi wa sallam said: "Are you able to feed sixty poor people?"
The man answered: "No.
"The Messenger, sallallaahu 'alaihi wa' Ala Alihi wa sallam said:" Sit down. "He too sat down.
Then there are those that bring a container dates to the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa' Ala Alihi wa sallam. -Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa' Ala Alihi wa sallam said, "charitable to him."
The man said "Nobody in this village between two families that are poorer than us."
-Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa' Ala Alihi wa sallam also laughed until visible front teeth, then he, sallallaahu 'alaihi wa' Ala Alihi wa sallam said, "Take it, give it as a food family." (Narrated by Bukhari, Muslim etc.. In some versions there are additional: "Be ye mengqadha one day instead." Validated by Al Haafiz Ibn Hajar in "Fath Bari")

6. Removing Water Mani with intentionally

Removing the semen is deliberately broke the fast because it included mandatory lust wreak shunned by people who are fasting as in the Hadith Qudsi Allah the Exalted says: "... he left to eat, drink and syahwatnya because of me." (Narrated by Bukhari).
The discharge of semen, such as accidental, because dreaming or fantasizing without deeds, it is not broke the fast because this is something that is beyond their ability and be forgiven by God. -Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa' Ala Alihi wa sallam said: "Allah let the (pardon) of what my people are still buried in them has not been done or spoken for." (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim. "Majalis Syahr Ramadan" by Sheikh Uthaymeen, p. 101)

7. Berbekam / Cantuk / Hijamah, Treatment How to Remove Blood Gross Prophet

-Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa' Ala Alihi wa sallam said: "It has to break the fast (fast is void) and the people who membekam dibekam" (Narrated by Imam Ahmad and Abu Dawud).
Imam Bukhari said: "Nothing in this chapter (hadith), which is saheeh from him." This is the most jurist Shafi'i Al-Hadith (scholars of fiqh scholars of hadith). "(" Syahr Ramadan Majalis "p. 103. Karya Shaykh Muhammad bin Sholeh Al-Uthaymeen).

Included in berbekam law also is to donate blood for those who are fasting, because a lot of blood menguarkan effect on people who fasted so that the cause is weak except when forced (emergency), then the person may donate blood and he broke that day and replace it (making up those) on Another day.
As for bleeding because of nosebleeds, coughing, haemorrhoid (pile), tooth extraction, injuries, check ups and do not cancel semisalnya is not the same as fasting for berbekam and did not affect fasting person like berbekam. ("Syahr Ramadan Majalis" p. 103. Karya Shaykh Muhammad bin Sholeh al-Uthaymeen)

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